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Our services


Customer Contract No., date Description of works
1 Caspian Oil TME JSC No. 1106/2007 dated 15/10/2007 Calculation of oil and gas reserves from the feasibility study of the recovery factor of the Alibek Yuzhny field.
2 Zhalgiztobemunai SLLP No. 1/SM-08 dated 17/01/2008 Calculation of oil and gas reserves and feasibility study of oil recovery factor of the Zhalgiztobe field.
3 Petrokazakhstan Ventures Inc. No. 08012011-V Operational calculation of oil and dissolved gas reserves of the Vostochny Doschan field (wells No. 13,14,15,16 and 17) of the contract area of ​​license 951D
4 Maersk Oil Kazakhstan Gmbh No. D-CWO-0928 dated 12/13/2008 Operational calculation of reserves at the Dunga field
5 Aktau Transit LLP No. 24 dated 12/03/2010 Calculation of oil and gas reserves at the Zhangurshi field
6 Aktau Transit LLP No. 27 dated 12/03/2010 Calculation of hydrocarbon reserves at the Tyubedzhik field
7 Samek International LLP No. S-AE-PE-2373-10 dated 07/07/2010 Operational estimation of oil and gas reserves, Pilot operation project, EIA project to Pilot operation project and disposal program at the PES stage of the Borkyldakty field
8 Maersk Oil Kazakhstan Gmbh No. T-CWO-0993 dated 30/04/2010 Recalculation of oil and gas reserves for horizons P7-P10 at the Saigak field
9 KMK Munai No. 273/2010 of 21/10/2010 Services for the preparation of the report "Calculation of oil and gas reserves and determination of oil recovery factor at the Kokzhide sub-karniznoye field
10 Samek International LLP No. S-AE-EP-014-12 of 01/06/2012 Development of design documents: Report on the OPP of the UVS, POR, Pre-EIA to the POR of the Uytas Mt.
11 Samek International LLP No. S-AE-EP-015-12 of 01/06/2012 Development of design documents: Report on the BPP of the UVS, POR, Pre-EIA to the POR of the Sagiz West field
12 Saigak Kazakhstan B.V. No. 22 of 21/02/2012 Services for the preparation of the report "Recalculation of reserves of oil, dissolved gas and associated components of the Saigak field"
13 Kolzhan LLP No. 1207001-K dated 02/07/12 Report on the operational calculation of oil and gas reserves and related components at the Zhanbyrshi field, Kyzylarda region.
14 Kolzhan LLP No. 1208054-K dated 08/22/12 Recalculation of oil and gas reserves of the North-Western Kyzylkia field
15 Caspian Oil TME JSC No. 2905/2012 dated 05/12/12 Preparation of the report: recalculation of oil and dissolved gas reserves of the Alibek Yuzhny field as of 01/01/2013/
16 BNG Ltd LLP No. 07/13-04 dated 07/12/2013 Report on the operational calculation of hydrocarbon reserves for the Valanginian horizon of the Yelemes Yuzhny field as of 08/01/2013
17 Kolzhan LLP No. 1401230-k dated 01/27/14 Addendum to the report "Recalculation of oil and dissolved gas reserves of the North-Western Kyzylkiya field"
18 Samek International LLP Additional 1 dated 05/12/14 to contract No. S-PE-752-13 dated 11/20/13 Operational calculation of oil and dissolved gas reserves, Pilot Operation Project, Pre-EIA for the PES at the Kyzylzhar Vostochny field.
19 Kumkol Trans Service LLP No. 48 dated 09/29/14 Operative calculation of oil and dissolved gas reserves at the Kainar field of the Karaganda and Kyzylorda regions. RK as of 09/01/14
20 North Caspian Oil Development LLP No. 142/10-14 of 10/16/14 Operational calculation of oil and dissolved gas reserves of the Daraimola East area as of 01/11/2014
21 PetroKazakhstan Kumkol Resources JSC No. 1412007 dated 12/24/14 "Recalculation of oil and gas reserves of the Severny Nuraly field", "Addition to the technological scheme for the development of the Severny Nuraly field" with the Preliminary EIA
22 Saigak Kazakhstan B.V. No. ZOI-15-52 dated 03/27/15 Recalculation of oil reserves of dissolved gas of the Triassic horizons T-1 and T-2 of the Saigak field as of 04/01/2015
23 Iskander oil LLP No. 4 dated 05/20/15 Services for the implementation of project documentation "Operational calculation of oil and / or condensate, gas, dissolved gas reserves for productive horizons in the Jurassic and Triassic deposits of the Sarsenbay field, including the Uyluk structures in the Mangistau region of the Republic of Kazakhstan as of 01/05/15"
24 Aman Munai LLP AMAN-GEOT/2015.OU-75015 FROM 09/15/15 operational calculation of oil and dissolved gas reserves of the East Akzhar field as of 01/01/16
25 TobeAral oil No. 28/12-2015/02 dated 12/18/15 Recalculation of reserves of oil and gas dissolved in oil of the Middle Jurassic and Triassic horizons of the main field and the western field of the southwestern wing of the Tobearal field of the Atypau region of the Republic of Kazakhstan according to the state of study on 02/01/2016.
26 Evrika Oleum LLP No. 2016.OI-98713(II) dated 03/16/16 Calculation of oil reserves and gas dissolved in oil of the Kultuk field, Mangistau region, Republic of Kazakhstan, as of 01/03/16
27 Galaz and Company LLP No. 89-2017 dated 12/27/17 The final calculation of the reserves of oil, gas dissolved in oil and gas in the gas cap at the North-West Konys field, Syrdarya district, Kyzylorda region, as of 12/29/2017.
28 KazSmartEnerCon LLP No. 05/18-03 dated 05/10/18 Calculation of reserves of oil and gas dissolved in oil for the Valanginian horizon of the Yelemes Yuzhny field as of 01/10/18.
29 KAZPETROL GROUP LLP No. 187-2018 FROM 06/05/18 Operational calculation of oil reserves, gas dissolved in oil and associated components of the Taur North-West field (as of 08/01/2018)
30 KAZPETROL GROUP LLP No. 62 dated 02/14/19 Operational calculation of oil reserves, gas dissolved in oil and associated components of the Taur North-Western field (as of 01/01/2019)
31 KAZPETROL GROUP LLP No. 63 of 02/14/19 Operational calculation of reserves of oil, gas dissolved in oil and associated components of the Zholtai field
32 Caspian Petroleum Company LLP No. EX/PPC/2019/36 then 14/02/19 Recalculation of oil reserves, free and dissolved gas of the Mynteke field as of 01/01/19
33 KMK Munai JSC No. 172/2019 dated 04/05/19 Operational calculation of oil and dissolved gas reserves of the Mortuk subsalt field, according to the technical specification"
34 Alties Petroleum International BV No. OK/515 Recalculation of reserves of the Karataikyz field
35 Alties Petroleum International BV No. OK/515 Recalculation of reserves of the Alimbay deposit
36 Galaz and Company LLP No. 26-2019 dated 12/04/19 Calculation of oil and gas reserves of the North-Western Konys field of the Kyzylorda region of the Republic of Kazakhstan as of 02/01/2019
37 KAZPETROL GROUP LLP No. 402-2019 "Report on the recalculation of oil and gas reserves of the Khairkeldy Northern field of the Kyzylorda region of the Republic of Kazakhstan as of 02.01.2020, with the preparation of a new project document (including the Preliminary Environmental Impact Assessment)
38 KAZPETROL GROUP LLP No. 153-2020 dated 06/12/20 Calculation of reserves of oil, gas dissolved in oil and associated components of the TAUR field North-West of the Kyzylorda region of the Republic of Kazakhstan according to the state of exploration as of 01/05/20
39 KAZPETROL GROUP LLP No. 154-2020 dated 06/12/21 Calculation of reserves of oil, gas dissolved in oil and associated components of the Zholtai field in the Kyzylorda region of the Republic of Kazakhstan according to the state of knowledge as of 01/05/21
40 Sary-Arka Mining LLP 06/20-380 from 06/10/20 Calculation of oil and dissolved gas reserves for the Valanginian horizon of the Elemes Yuzhny field as of 02/01/20.
41 Saigak Kazakhstan B.V. No. ZOI-20-194 dated 21.09.20 Recalculation of oil, gas and associated components of the Saigak deposit (as of 09/01/20)
42 PetroKazakhstan Kumkol Resources JSC No. 210268 dated 19.02.21 Correction of the report "Calculation of oil and gas reserves of the Severny Nuraly field" as well as the project document "Project for the development of the Skverny Nuraly field" with the Pre-EIA
43 Tepke LLP No. 261-21 dated 12/30/21 Operational calculation of reserves account. Tepke field Uzbekgaliev
44 TURAN-BARLAU LLP No. 27/08/2022-1 dated 27.08.22 Report on the calculation of oil and dissolved gas reserves form/d Maykyzwith feasibility study
45 Mangistau Neftedobycha LLP №10-MND-2023 от 16.03.23 Calculation of reserves of oil condensate, gas and gas dissolved in oil at the Sarsenbai field in the Mangistau region of the Republic of Kazakhstan (as of May 1, 2023) with a feasibility study of oil recovery factor
46 Mangistau Neftedobycha LLP №11-MND-2023 от 16.03.23 Calculation of reserves of oil condensate, gas and gas dissolved in oil at the Sarsenbai field in the Mangistau region of the Uylyuk of Kazakhstan (as of May 1, 2023) with a feasibility study of oil recovery factor