years of experience
Since then, we have developed and successfully defended 266 design solutions in the Central Commission for Exploration and Development, The State Reserves Commission of RK approved 44 reports prepared by us on the calculation of oil and gas reserves, for 94 subsoil users in the Republic of Kazakhstan.
Write to usyears of experience
Successful defenses
of the CCRR RK
GKZ defenses
State license to engage in the type of activity: Design of mining facilities in the oil and gas industry
State license to engage in design and survey activities in the field of architectural, urban planning and construction activities
State license for occupation: Performance of works and provision of services in the field of environmental protection.
Certificate of accreditation as a subject of scientific activity
Certificate of ownership of the domestic supplier of works and services
ST RK ISO 45001-2019
CT RK ISO 9001-2016
CT RK ISO 14001-2016
Maylybaev Rasulbek Maratovich
Mining engineer-geologist. Independent expert of the Central Commission for exploration and development of the Republic of Kazakhstan. He has over 20 years of experience in the oil and gas industry. He progressed from Master of Injection Well Development and Workover, Geological Engineer of Production and Oil and Gas Department, Production and Field Development Manager of a national company to General Director of an international consulting firm.
Since 2009, he has been managing our company, successfully combining the interests of the Customers, the requirements and procedures of state organizations, the interaction and efforts of the professionals of the SMART Engineering team.
Turkov Oleg Sergeevich
Director's Advisor
Petroleum Geologist, Candidate of Geological and Mineralogical Sciences, "Honorary Prospector of the Resources of the Republic of Kazakhstan", "Pioneer of the Fields of the Republic of Kazakhstan".
He began his career in the geology of the oil and gas industry in 1960. The man is a legend who participated in the discovery of large fields of Kazakhstan such as Kashagan, Tengiz, Rozhkovskoye.
He has more than 135 scientific publications including 5 monographs. He is a mentor who generously shares his experience and knowledge with the young specialists, who has raised more than one generation of worthy specialists. The colossal experience and knowledge of Oleg Sergeevich allow us to understand the most complex issues that arise in the process of developing projects.
Nursultanova Saida Galiaskerovna
Chief geologist
Engineer Geologist, Candidate of Geological and Mineralogical Sciences, Associate Professor, Doctor PhD, Independent expert of the Central Commission for exploration and development of the Republic of Kazakhstan. For many years she worked as a professor at KazSRTU named after K.I. Satpaev, she taught more than one generation of geologists and oilmen. She has more than 100 scientific publications.
In our company, she is responsible for exploration projects, projects of trial operation, development analysis, industrial development oil and gas fields, putting into practice her research, production experience and deep knowledge of the sedimentary basins of the Republic of Kazakhstan and the world.
Customers highly appreciate her professional approach to their requirements and wishes, and again and again entrusting the development of their projects only to her.
Shigaeva Valentina Leonidovna
Head of Petrophysics Department
Mining engineer - geologist, Independent expert of the State Committee for Reserves of the Republic of Kazakhstan since 2003. She is Expert of the giant fields Kashagan, Karachaganak, Tengiz, as well as Korolevskoye, Zhetybay, Kalamkas, Zhanazhol, Kumkol, Prorva.
She has been with our company since 2008. She is responsible for petrophysical data for reserves estimation, exploration and development projects. She treats his work creatively, analyzing in detail, comparing the studied material from all sides, creating a complete picture, scrupulously and carefully checks the completeness and accuracy of calculations. Always she is ready for dialogue and professional discussion. She is an example of professional attitude and devotion to the profession for all of us.
Serikov Nurlan Zhanbirbaevich
Head of Development Department
Development Engineer, Associate Professor of the Department of Oil and Gas Field Development. Independent expert of the State Committee for Reserves of the Republic of Kazakhstan since 2007.
He has been with our company since 2017. Responsible contractor for projects of trial operation, development analysis, industrial development, oil and gas fields. One of the rare specialists in Kazakhstan who correctly calculates the forecast indicators of field development and the feasibility study of oil recovery factors.
Rakhmanova Aisulu Bauyrzhanovna
Head of inventory calculation group
Geological engineer with 22 years of experience in the oil industry. Since 2006 she has been specializing in oil and gas reserves estimation.
She works in our company since 2015. She has extensive experience in calculating reserves in oil and gas regions of Kazakhstan, good knowledge of regional geology. During the work, the group led by her prepared and defended 24 reports on the calculation of reserves in the State Reserves Committee of the Republic of Kazakhstan.
She has a high capacity responsibility organization and can establish communications with independent experts, government agencies, customers and at the same time maintain restraint and calmness.
Zholdaskali Kadyrgaliev
Head of drilling department
Mining engineer, specialization - drilling of oil and gas wells. He began his career in 1985 as a drilling fluids engineer, since 2001 he has been designing drilling, construction of oil and gas wells, more than 10 years he worked in large research institutes in Kazakhstan.
He is member of our team since 2011. During this time, he has developed more than 40 Technical projects for the design of various wells.
Kalmanova Gulshat Tursynbekovna
Lead Engineer of the Ecology Department
Environmental engineer, specialization - Engineering protection of the environment. Since 2009, she has been working in the field of environmental design, has gained vast practical experience in the preparation of environmental design documents PreEIA, EIA, AE, MPE etc., in coordinating projects with regulatory authorities, in holding public hearings for facilities located in Atyrau, Mangistau, Aktobe, Kyzylorda and other regions.She was awarded a letter of thanks from the akim of the Kyzylorda region for her contribution to environmental protection (2023).
Customers highly appreciate such qualities of Gulshat Tursunbekovna as a brilliant knowledge of the environmental legislation of the Republic of Kazakhstan, the ability to work effectively in multitasking mode, tight deadlines, establish effective communications with regulatory government agencies, showing high stress resistance to Customers.