1 |
Ozturk-Munai LLP |
No. 25 10.05.2007 |
Author's supervision of the trial operation of the Sinelnikovskaya area. |
2 |
Kazahstanneftegazstroy LLP |
No. 12 03.09.2007 |
Author's supervision of the construction process under the working project "Flow lines 5" (127mm) from the development of wells at the Akshabulak field. |
3 |
No. 11 03.09.2007 |
Author's supervision of the construction process under the working project "Flow lines 4" (100mm) from the development of wells at the Akshabulak field. |
4 |
Maersk Oil Kazakhstan Gmbh |
No. D-CWO-0801 of 06/30/2008 |
Author's supervision over the implementation of the Technological scheme of the Dunga deposit. |
5 |
Ozturk-Munai LLP |
No. DVD-0901 01 24.02.2009 |
Author's supervision over the implementation of the project of trial operation of the Sinelnikovskoye deposit as of 01.03.2009 |
6 |
Maersk Oil Kazakhstan Gmbh |
Additional acc. to gay contr. U-GCS-0067 06/30/2008 |
Author's supervision over the implementation of Tech. development schemes mr Dunga |
7 |
Aktau transit LLP |
SE-DVD-05/09 05/25/2009 |
Author's supervision over the implementation of the project of trial operation of the Zhangurshi deposit as of 01.09.2009 |
8 |
Caspian Oil TME JSC |
No. 1741/2009 07/21/2009 |
Report on the results of field supervision over the implementation of the technological scheme for the development of the AlibekS field |
9 |
Caspian Oil TME JSC |
No. 1909/2010 06/14/2010 |
Author's supervision over the implementation of Technological s development schemes of the AlibekS deposit |
10 |
Maersk Oil Kazakhstan Gmbh |
No. D-CWO-13533 February 15, 2011 |
Author's supervision over the implementation of the project of trial operation of the Valanginsky horizon of the Dunga deposit |
11 |
Kolzhan LLP |
No. 1102003-K |
Field supervision Tuzkol field trial operation project |
12 |
EP KazMunay Gas JSC |
No. 676-29 04/14/2011 |
Author's supervision over the implementation of the construction of production wells at the S -E Kamyshitovy, E. Makat, V. Moldabek, B. Zholamanov until 12/31/2011 |
13 |
EP KazMunay Gas JSC |
No. 1081-72 May 26, 2011 |
Author's supervision over the implementation of the construction of wells on the Taisoigan block (Kondybay structure) |
14 |
Maersk Oil Kazakhstan Gmbh |
Add. Agreement No. 1 to Agreement No. T-CWO-1093 05.10.2011. |
Author's supervision over the implementation of the Tech. development plans for the Saigak deposit and approval |
15 |
No. 114-2011 October 27, 2011 |
Author's supervision over the implementation of the trial operation project |
16 |
JSC "EP "KazMunayGas" |
617-29 03/14/2012 |
Author's supervision over the construction of production wells at the S. E. Kamyshitovy field |
17 |
Ecogeoneftegaz LLP |
No. 6 05/17/12 |
Author's supervision over the implementation of the technological scheme of the KozhaS deposit |
18 |
Galaz and Company LLP |
220/06-12 06/23/12 |
Author's supervision over the operation of the North-Western Konys field |
19 |
Aktau Transit LLP |
No. 92 08/22/12 |
Author's supervision over the implementation of the trial operation project of the Tyubedzhik deposit as of 08/01/2012. |
20 |
Saigak Kazakhstan B.V. |
No. ZOI/298 25.02.13 |
Architectural supervision over the implementation of the industrial development project of the Saigak deposit |
21 |
Caspian Oil TME JSC |
No. 3135/2013 of 07/19/2013 |
Author's supervision over the implementation of the technological scheme for the development of the AlibekS field as of 01.07.13 |
22 |
PetroKazakhstan Kumkol Resources JSC |
No. 1401120 01/13/14 |
Author's supervision over the implementation of the technological scheme for the development of the North Nuraly field. |
23 |
Kolzhan LLP |
No. 140387-K 03/27/14 |
Author's supervision over the implementation of the addendum to the trial operation project at the Western Tuzkol field |
24 |
Caspian Oil TME JSC |
No. 3421/2014 of 07/01/2014 |
Author's supervision over the implementation of the technological scheme for the development of the AlibekS field as of 01.07.14. |
25 |
Aktau Transit LLP |
No. 30 12.08.14 |
Author's supervision over the implementation of the technological scheme for the development of the Zhangurshi field according to the state. |
26 |
Samek International LLP |
№S-PE-238-15 09.07.15 |
Author's supervision over the implementation of the Technological scheme for the development of the Asanketken field |
27 |
PetroKazakhstan Kumkol Resources JSC |
No. 1508019 09/14/15 |
Author's supervision over the implementation of the technological scheme for the development of the North Nuraly field |
28 |
PetroKazakhstan Kumkol Resources JSC |
No. 1608065 08/23/16 |
Author's supervision over the implementation of the technological scheme for the development of the North Nuraly field |
29 |
No. 210-2016 10/10/16 |
Author's supervision over the implementation of the technological scheme for the development of the Khairkeldy field |
30 |
Kolzhan LLP |
No. 1610042-KS 10/19/16 |
Author's supervision over the implementation of the addition to the project for trial operation of the West Tuzkol field" |
31 |
Caspian Oil TME JSC |
No. 4244/2017 24.02.17 |
Author's supervision over the implementation of the updated technological scheme for the development of the Alibek S field as of 2017 |
32 |
Kolzhan LLP |
No. 1801074-K 02/22/18 |
Author's supervision over the implementation of the addendum to the Technological Scheme for the Development of North-Western Kyzylkia |
33 |
KMK Munai JSC |
№407/2019 |
Author's supervision over the implementation of the analysis of the development of the Kumsay post-salt field. |
34 |
Alties Petroleum International BV |
№BPBES/069 |
Report "Author's supervision over the implementation of the Besbolek field development project, as of 01.01.20". |
35 |
Lucent Petroleum LLP |
№LP-G-92 09/02/20 |
Author's supervision over the implementation of the Exploration Project (appraisal stage) at the Lebyazhye (Southern) area within the contract area of Lucent Petroleum LLP |
36 |
No. 10/20-476 10/27/20 |
Author's supervision over the implementation of the addendum No. 2 to the project of appraisal works on the Elemes area located on the Aiyrshagyl site, BNG LLP as of 07/01/20 |
37 |
IPC Munay LLP |
No. 11/20-483 03.11.20 |
Author's supervision over the implementation of the Addendum No. 3 to the Appraisal Project at Sholkara Square, of Addendum No. 3 to the Appraisal Project at Akkuduk Square, of Addendum No. 3 to the Appraisal Project at Toresai Square, located within the contract area of LLP IPC - Munai as of 01.07.20. |
38 |
Lucent Petroleum LLP |
№LP-G-92 09/02/20 |
Author's supervision over the implementation of Explopation Project of appraisal stage on Lebyazhye S |
39 |
Alties Petroleum International BV |
No. BPBES/031 26.01.21 |
Author's supervision over the implementation of the Besbolek field project as of 01.01.2021 |
40 |
Meridian Central Asia Services LLP |
No. 141-21 02.02.21 |
Author's supervision over the implementation of Addendum 1 to the exploration project for the search for hydrocarbons in the Samtyr area as of 01.01.21. |
41 |
Lucent Petroleum LLP |
№LP-G-98 17.02.20 |
Author's supervision over the implementation of the Addendum to the Exploration Project (appraisal stage) on the Munaibay area according to comp. as of 01.01.21 |
42 |
Lucent Petroleum LLP |
№LP-G-106 26.07.21 |
Report "Author's supervision over the implementation of the Exploration Project (appraisal stage) at Lebyazhye S within the control territory of Lucent Petroleum LLP". |
43 |
Galaz and Company LLP |
No. 148-2021 24.09.21 |
Author's supervision of the Development Project of the NW Konys field. |
44 |
Lucent Petroleum LLP |
№LP-G116 02.02.22 |
"Author's supervision over the implementation of the Addendum to the Exploration Project (appraisal stage) at the Munaibay area" |
45 |
Lucent Petroleum LLP |
№LP-G116 02.02.22 |
"Author's supervision over the implementation of the Addendum to the Exploration Project (appraisal stage)at the Munaibay area» |
46 |
Alties Petroleum |
№BPBES/036 01/27/22 |
Author's supervision over the implementation of the field development project Alimbay, as of 01/01/2022 |
47 |
Kazpetrol group LLP |
No. 2231-22/152 05/03/22 |
Author's supervision over the implementation of the field development project Khairkeldy North, as of 01/01/2022 |
48 |
Tepke |
No. 99/06-06 05/19/22 |
Author's supervision over the implementation of the Exploration Project (appraisal stage) on the structureTepke West (Kh.Uzbekgaliev)as of 01.07.2022 |
49 |
Alties Petroleum |
№DPKAR/194 07.09.22 |
Author's supervision over the implementation of the development project f.Karataykyzas of 01/01/22 |
50 |
Kolzhan LLP |
No. 2209029-K 09/08/22 |
Author's supervision over the implementation of the project document for the development of the North-Western Kyzylkiya field |
51 |
KMK Munai |
No. 336/2022 09/30/22 |
Author's supervision over the implementation of the project for the development of the Kumsay post-salt field |
52 |
Tepke |
No. 209 / 06-06 (BPP) 12/13/22 |
Author's supervision over the implementation of the Exploration Project (appraisal stage) at the Tepke Western structure (Kh. Uzbekgaliyev) as of 01.12.22 |
53 |
Alties Petroleum LLP |
№BPBES/029 от 27.01.23 |
Author's supervision of the implementation of the Besbolek field development project as of 01/01/23 |
54 |
Alties Petroleum LLP |
№BPALI/030 от 27.01.23 |
Author's supervision of the implementation of the Alimbay field development project as of 01/01/23. |
55 |
Alties Petroleum LLP |
№BPAKR/ 031 от 27.01.23 |
Author's supervision of the implementation of the Karataykyz field development project, regarding the state of knowledge as of 01/01/23. |
56 |
Galaz and Company LLP |
№221-2023 от 06.11.23 |
Author's supervision of the implementation of the project Analysis of the development of S-Z Konys according to the state of the study. 01.10.23 |