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Our services


Customer Contract No., date Description of works
1 Ozturk-Munai LLP No. 25 10.05.2007 Author's supervision of the trial operation of the Sinelnikovskaya area.
2 Kazahstanneftegazstroy LLP No. 12 03.09.2007 Author's supervision of the construction process under the working project "Flow lines 5" (127mm) from the development of wells at the Akshabulak field.
3 No. 11 03.09.2007 Author's supervision of the construction process under the working project "Flow lines 4" (100mm) from the development of wells at the Akshabulak field.
4 Maersk Oil Kazakhstan Gmbh No. D-CWO-0801 of 06/30/2008 Author's supervision over the implementation of the Technological scheme of the Dunga deposit.
5 Ozturk-Munai LLP No. DVD-0901 01 24.02.2009 Author's supervision over the implementation of the project of trial operation of the Sinelnikovskoye deposit as of 01.03.2009
6 Maersk Oil Kazakhstan Gmbh Additional acc. to gay contr. U-GCS-0067 06/30/2008 Author's supervision over the implementation of Tech. development schemes mr Dunga
7 Aktau transit LLP SE-DVD-05/09 05/25/2009 Author's supervision over the implementation of the project of trial operation of the Zhangurshi deposit as of 01.09.2009
8 Caspian Oil TME JSC No. 1741/2009 07/21/2009 Report on the results of field supervision over the implementation of the technological scheme for the development of the AlibekS field
9 Caspian Oil TME JSC No. 1909/2010 06/14/2010 Author's supervision over the implementation of Technological s development schemes of the AlibekS deposit
10 Maersk Oil Kazakhstan Gmbh No. D-CWO-13533 February 15, 2011 Author's supervision over the implementation of the project of trial operation of the Valanginsky horizon of the Dunga deposit
11 Kolzhan LLP No. 1102003-K Field supervision Tuzkol field trial operation project
12 EP KazMunay Gas JSC No. 676-29 04/14/2011 Author's supervision over the implementation of the construction of production wells at the S -E Kamyshitovy, E. Makat, V. Moldabek, B. Zholamanov until 12/31/2011
13 EP KazMunay Gas JSC No. 1081-72 May 26, 2011 Author's supervision over the implementation of the construction of wells on the Taisoigan block (Kondybay structure)
14 Maersk Oil Kazakhstan Gmbh Add. Agreement No. 1 to Agreement No. T-CWO-1093 05.10.2011. Author's supervision over the implementation of the Tech. development plans for the Saigak deposit and approval
15 KAZPETROL GROUP LLP No. 114-2011 October 27, 2011 Author's supervision over the implementation of the trial operation project
16 JSC "EP "KazMunayGas" 617-29 03/14/2012 Author's supervision over the construction of production wells at the S. E. Kamyshitovy field
17 Ecogeoneftegaz LLP No. 6 05/17/12 Author's supervision over the implementation of the technological scheme of the KozhaS deposit
18 Galaz and Company LLP 220/06-12 06/23/12 Author's supervision over the operation of the North-Western Konys field
19 Aktau Transit LLP No. 92 08/22/12 Author's supervision over the implementation of the trial operation project of the Tyubedzhik deposit as of 08/01/2012.
20 Saigak Kazakhstan B.V. No. ZOI/298 25.02.13 Architectural supervision over the implementation of the industrial development project of the Saigak deposit
21 Caspian Oil TME JSC No. 3135/2013 of 07/19/2013 Author's supervision over the implementation of the technological scheme for the development of the AlibekS field as of 01.07.13
22 PetroKazakhstan Kumkol Resources JSC No. 1401120 01/13/14 Author's supervision over the implementation of the technological scheme for the development of the North Nuraly field.
23 Kolzhan LLP No. 140387-K 03/27/14 Author's supervision over the implementation of the addendum to the trial operation project at the Western Tuzkol field
24 Caspian Oil TME JSC No. 3421/2014 of 07/01/2014 Author's supervision over the implementation of the technological scheme for the development of the AlibekS field as of 01.07.14.
25 Aktau Transit LLP No. 30 12.08.14 Author's supervision over the implementation of the technological scheme for the development of the Zhangurshi field according to the state.
26 Samek International LLP №S-PE-238-15 09.07.15 Author's supervision over the implementation of the Technological scheme for the development of the Asanketken field
27 PetroKazakhstan Kumkol Resources JSC No. 1508019 09/14/15 Author's supervision over the implementation of the technological scheme for the development of the North Nuraly field
28 PetroKazakhstan Kumkol Resources JSC No. 1608065 08/23/16 Author's supervision over the implementation of the technological scheme for the development of the North Nuraly field
29 KAZPETROL GROUP LLP No. 210-2016 10/10/16 Author's supervision over the implementation of the technological scheme for the development of the Khairkeldy field
30 Kolzhan LLP No. 1610042-KS 10/19/16 Author's supervision over the implementation of the addition to the project for trial operation of the West Tuzkol field"
31 Caspian Oil TME JSC No. 4244/2017 24.02.17 Author's supervision over the implementation of the updated technological scheme for the development of the Alibek S field as of 2017
32 Kolzhan LLP No. 1801074-K 02/22/18 Author's supervision over the implementation of the addendum to the Technological Scheme for the Development of North-Western Kyzylkia
33 KMK Munai JSC №407/2019 Author's supervision over the implementation of the analysis of the development of the Kumsay post-salt field.
34 Alties Petroleum International BV №BPBES/069 Report "Author's supervision over the implementation of the Besbolek field development project, as of 01.01.20".
35 Lucent Petroleum LLP №LP-G-92 09/02/20 Author's supervision over the implementation of the Exploration Project (appraisal stage) at the Lebyazhye (Southern) area within the contract area of Lucent Petroleum LLP
36 BNG Ltd LLP No. 10/20-476 10/27/20 Author's supervision over the implementation of the addendum No. 2 to the project of appraisal works on the Elemes area located on the Aiyrshagyl site, BNG LLP as of 07/01/20
37 IPC Munay LLP No. 11/20-483 03.11.20 Author's supervision over the implementation of the Addendum No. 3 to the Appraisal Project at Sholkara Square, of Addendum No. 3 to the Appraisal Project at Akkuduk Square, of Addendum No. 3 to the Appraisal Project at Toresai Square, located within the contract area of LLP IPC - Munai as of 01.07.20.
38 Lucent Petroleum LLP №LP-G-92 09/02/20 Author's supervision over the implementation of Explopation Project of appraisal stage on Lebyazhye S
39 Alties Petroleum International BV No. BPBES/031 26.01.21 Author's supervision over the implementation of the Besbolek field project as of 01.01.2021
40 Meridian Central Asia Services LLP No. 141-21 02.02.21 Author's supervision over the implementation of Addendum 1 to the exploration project for the search for hydrocarbons in the Samtyr area as of 01.01.21.
41 Lucent Petroleum LLP №LP-G-98 17.02.20 Author's supervision over the implementation of the Addendum to the Exploration Project (appraisal stage) on the Munaibay area according to comp. as of 01.01.21
42 Lucent Petroleum LLP №LP-G-106 26.07.21 Report "Author's supervision over the implementation of the Exploration Project (appraisal stage) at Lebyazhye S within the control territory of Lucent Petroleum LLP".
43 Galaz and Company LLP No. 148-2021 24.09.21 Author's supervision of the Development Project of the NW Konys field.
44 Lucent Petroleum LLP №LP-G116 02.02.22 "Author's supervision over the implementation of the Addendum to the Exploration Project (appraisal stage) at the Munaibay area"
45 Lucent Petroleum LLP №LP-G116 02.02.22 "Author's supervision over the implementation of the Addendum to the Exploration Project (appraisal stage)at the Munaibay area»
46 Alties Petroleum №BPBES/036 01/27/22 Author's supervision over the implementation of the field development project Alimbay, as of 01/01/2022
47 Kazpetrol group LLP No. 2231-22/152 05/03/22 Author's supervision over the implementation of the field development project Khairkeldy North, as of 01/01/2022
48 Tepke No. 99/06-06 05/19/22 Author's supervision over the implementation of the Exploration Project (appraisal stage) on the structureTepke West (Kh.Uzbekgaliev)as of 01.07.2022
49 Alties Petroleum №DPKAR/194 07.09.22 Author's supervision over the implementation of the development project f.Karataykyzas of 01/01/22
50 Kolzhan LLP No. 2209029-K 09/08/22 Author's supervision over the implementation of the project document for the development of the North-Western Kyzylkiya field
51 KMK Munai No. 336/2022 09/30/22 Author's supervision over the implementation of the project for the development of the Kumsay post-salt field
52 Tepke No. 209 / 06-06 (BPP) 12/13/22 Author's supervision over the implementation of the Exploration Project (appraisal stage) at the Tepke Western structure (Kh. Uzbekgaliyev) as of 01.12.22
53 Alties Petroleum LLP №BPBES/029 от 27.01.23 Author's supervision of the implementation of the Besbolek field development project as of 01/01/23
54 Alties Petroleum LLP №BPALI/030 от 27.01.23 Author's supervision of the implementation of the Alimbay field development project as of 01/01/23.
55 Alties Petroleum LLP №BPAKR/ 031 от 27.01.23 Author's supervision of the implementation of the Karataykyz field development project, regarding the state of knowledge as of 01/01/23.
56 Galaz and Company LLP №221-2023 от 06.11.23 Author's supervision of the implementation of the project Analysis of the development of S-Z Konys according to the state of the study. 01.10.23