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Our services


Customer Contract No., date Description of works
1 Ecogeoneftegaz LLP No. U-285 11/13/2006 Technological scheme for the development of the Kozha S deposit.
2 KKM Operating Company JSC No. 126k / 2006 06/29/2006 12/05/2006 + additional agreement. Schedule of research and design work on the fields of JSC "KKM Operating Company" for 2006-2007.
3 Ecogeoneftegaz LLP No. U-358 November 30, 2007 Preliminary environmental impact assessment for the technological scheme for the development of Kozha S deposits.
4 Caspian Oil TME JSC No. 1307/2007 October 15, 2007 Preliminary EIA for the technological scheme for the development of the Alibek S field.
5 Caspian Oil TME JSC No. 1225/2007 15.07.2007 Compilation of the TS for the development of field Alibek S.
6 Aktau Transit LLP No. 26 12.03.2010 TSD for the development of the Zhangurshi deposit and the Pre-EIA Project to Tech. development scheme of the Zhangurshi deposit
7 PetroKazakhstan Kumkol Resources JSC No. 1106021 07/15/2011 Development of the project document "Technical scheme for the development of Northern Nuraly"
8 Saigak Kazakhstan B.V. No. 23 February 21, 2012 Development of the report "Project of industrial development of the Saigak deposit" with EIA
9 Caspian Oil TME JSC No. 2603/2012 of 04/05/2012 Feasibility study for the second option for the development of the technological scheme for the development of the AlibekS deposit and the report of the Academy of Sciences for 2012-2014.
10 Caspian Oil TME JSC No. 2809/2012 09.10.12 Pilot project for gas injection at the Alibek S field
11 Samek International LLP №S-PE-282-13 10.06.13 • Report on the calculation of oil reserves and gas dissolved in oil in the Asanketken field;
• Technological scheme for the development of the Asanketken deposit;
• Pre-EIA to the Technological scheme for the development of the Asanketken field; • Asankketken Mining Allotment Project.
12 Aktau Transit LLP №05/14 05.02.14 Report on the development of the Zhangurshi deposit according to the project Technological development scheme
13 PetroKazakhstan Kumkol Resources JSC No. 1403072-K 03/14/14 Technological scheme for the development of Karabulak with PreOvos
14 Saigak Kazakhstan B.V. No. ZOI / 14-91 06.06.14 Addition to the industrial development project of the Saigak deposit with the draft Pre EIA
15 KAZPETROL GROUP LLP No. 199-2014 14.08.14 Project "Technological scheme for the development of the Khairkeldy field with Pre-EIA
16 Kolzhan LLP No. 1409012-K 09/05/14 Drafting of the project document “Commercial development of the North-West Kyzylkia field with the Pre-EIA project”
17 Caspian Oil TME JSC No. 3626/2015 04.02.15 RefinedTechnological scheme for the development of the AlibekS field
18 TobeAral oil No. 28/12-2015/02 12/18/15 Addendum to the Tobearal field development project
19 KAZPETROL GROUP LLP No. 62-2016 03.03.16 Technological scheme for the development of the Khairkeldy Nouth field with thePre-EIA project, located in the South Torgai basin of the Aksai horst anticline.
20 Evrika Oleum LLP №BD-17-11 11/17/16 Technological scheme for the development of the Kultuk field with the Pre EIA project
21 Saigak Kazakhstan B.V. No. ZOI-17-25 01.02.17 Addendum to the project of development of the Saigak deposit (as of 01.01.17) with EIA
22 Alties Petroleum International BV No.OK/186 21.08.17 "Supplement to the Updated Technological Scheme for the Development of the Besbolek Field with the Preliminary EIA as of 01.07.17", "Addition to the Refined Technological Scheme for the Development of the Karataikyz Field with the Preliminary EIA as of 01.07.17", EIA as of 01.07.17"
23 M-Ali Petrol (M-Ali Petrol) LLP No. 65 10/12/18 Project document "Project for the development of the Zhengeldy field" with updated technological indicators
24 Alties Petroleum International BV No.OK/514 Karataikyz Field Development Project with Pre-EIA
25 Alties Petroleum International BV No.OK/514 Alimbay Field Development Project with Pre-EIA
26 Munaily Kazakhstan LLP №MK/EP/112/2019/037 Munaily field development project as of 01.10.19 with Pre-EIA.
27 Munaily Kazakhstan LLP MK/EP/112/2019/023 08/16/19 Provision of services for evaluating the effectiveness of the monitoring system for the development process, the state of the well stock of the Munaily field
28 Galaz and Company LLP №08-2020 05/12/20 SZ Konys development project
29 Munaily Kazakhstan LLP No. MK/EP/100/2020/009 27.08.20 Munaily field development project as of 07/01/20
30 KMK Munai JSC No. 362/2020 11/30/2020 Development project of the Kumsay postsalt field
31 Sary-Arka Mining LLP planned Yelemes South development project
32 KAZPETROL GROUP LLP No. 402-2019 11/12/19 Development project of Khairkeldy nouth as of 01.12.20.
33 Sary-Arka Mining LLP planned Yelemes South development project
34 Saigak Kazakhstan B.V. No. ZOI-21-52 25.02.21 Saigak field development project.
35 Caspian Petroleum Company LLP №EX/PPC/2022/32 18.03.22 Development project with EIA project of the fieldMynteke South
36 Alties Petroleum №ZOI-252 05.12..22 Field development project of Alimbaywith EIA as of 01.01.23
37 KAZAKHSTAN NALA KHATUOJOYE (Munayly Kazakhstan) No. MK-27/10/2022 October 27, 2022 Munaily field development project, EIA
38 AP-Nafta operating №017-АПНО/23 от 24.02.23 Addition to the Kemerkol field development project with EIA
39 Astana Expo Trade ltd LLP №23.05.23 от 23.05.23г. "Project for the development of the Mortuk Vostochny field with an EIA project"