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Our services


Customer Contract No., date Description of works
1 Turgai-Petroleum JSC No. 3/SM/305 09.07.2006 Group working projects for the reconstruction of production wells of the Kumkol field by sidetracking with horizontal and directional endings.
2 Aktau transit LLP No. 15/08/07 15.08.2007 + additional agreement GTP for the design of exploration wells 450 meters at the Tyubedzhik field. EIA project and GTP for the construction of exploration wells with a depth of 1200 meters at the Tyubedzhik field.
3 Aktau transit LLP No. 07/08/15 15.08.2007 + additional agreement Group Technical project for the design of exploratory wells of 1200 meters at the Zhangurshi field. EIA project to the group Technical design for the construction of exploration wells with a depth of 1200 meters at the Zhangurshi field.
4 TuranEnerpetroleum LLP No. 6/SM-08 129.07.2008 Detailed design for the construction of a prospecting well in the Arys licensed area, design depth 5500 m
5 Kazakhoil Aktobe LLP No. 12TDW1UK8 04/28/2008r Ggroup technical project for the design of production wells at the Alibekmola field.
6 Kazkormunai LLP No. G08-DPW51 29.08.2008 Technical project for the design of a prospecting and exploration well YuK-1 with a design depth of up to 5500 m at the Yuzhno-Karpovsky block. Draft EIA for the Technical project for the design of the exploration well YuK-1, with a design depth of 5500m on the Yuzhno-Karpovsky block
7 TuranEnerPetroleum LLP No. 7/SI-DD-08 10.12.2008 Technical project for the design of prospecting wells in the license area Arys, with a design depth of 2500m. WITH EIA
8 KazMunayGas JSC "RD" Agreement No. 2604-29 November 24, 2010 Development of design estimates with EIA for the construction of production wells at the Yu.Z. reed
9 KazMunayGas JSC "RD" Agreement No. 2605-29 November 24, 2010 Development of design estimates with EIA for the construction of production wells at the V. Makat field
10 KazMunayGas"JSC "RD" Agreement No. 2606-29 November 24, 2010 Development of design and estimate documentation with EIA for the design of prospecting and exploratory wells at the Kondybay field
11 KazMunayGas JSC "RD" Agreement No. 2607-29 November 24, 2010 Development of design estimates with EIA for the construction of production wells at the field V.Moldabek and B.Zholamanov
12 SNPS AidanMunai Contract No. 22-367/2010 December 31, 2010 Technical project for the design of exploration and advanced production wells with a design depth of 2500 meters at the Sarybulak field with environmental protection
13 Zhambyl-Petroleum LLP No. U-48/11 06.05.2011 Technical design for the design of wells No. 1 on the Zhetysu (ZT-1) line 2000 m EIA, OSRP, PLUS and PBVR. expertise, and approval.
14 BNG Ltd LLP No. 27/06-01 06/27/12 Group technical design and EIA for the design of exploratory wells with a depth of 4200m in the Aiyrshagyl area
15 BNG Ltd LLP No. 27/06-02 06/27/12 Group technical design and EIA for the design of exploratory wells with a depth of 3200m in the Aiyrshagyl area
16 Aral Petroleum Capital LLP №APC/Smart 06/28/2012 "Group technical project for the design of exploration wells Taldyshoki No. 24.25, Arnasay No. 22.23, Baktygarynn No. 20.21, Itasai No. 26.27 and Kyrkkuduk No. 28.29 with a depth of 900 meters of the Severny contract area"
17 Aral Petroleum Capital LLP №APC/S-120412 06/28/2012 Group technical project for thedesign of exploration wells Baktygaryn No. 11, Aransay No. 12 with a depth of 4950m. contract area "Severny"
18 Aral Petroleum Capital LLP №APK/С-160712 07/16/12 Group technical project for the design of exploration wells North Mortuk No. 14.15 with a depth of 4950m. North Mortuk area of the Severny contract area
19 BNG Ltd LLP No. Group technical design and EIA for the construction of exploratory wells with a depth of 4700m in the Aiyrshagyl area
20 KAZPETROL GROUP LLP No. 73-2013 04/26/13 Group technical project for the design of advanced production wells at the Khairkeldy field with a design depth of 1900m.
21 KAZPETROL GROUP LLP No. 74-2013 04/26/14 Group technical project for the design of advanced production wells at the Khairkeldy field with a design depth of 2000m.
22 Galaz and Company LLP No. 10/13-20 10/30/13 Group technical project for thedesign of exploratory wells at the Severo-Zapadny Konys field
23 Aral Petroleum Capital LLP APS/Smart-27112013 Allocation from the GTP for the design of exploration wells in the areas of Taldyshoky No. 24.25, Arnasay No. 22.23, Baktygoryn No. 20.21, Itasai No. 26.27 and Kyrykkuduk No. 28.29 of the northern contract area, with a design depth of 900 m.s wells into a separate GTP for the construction of Itasai wells No. I-26-I, I-26, I-27, Krykkuduk No. K-29 of the Severny contract area, with a design depth of 900 m. from the Pre EIA with a change in the design of the wells.
24 Aral Petroleum Capital LLP APS/Smart-10122013 Changes in the GTP for the design of exploration wells No. B-11, No. A-12 in the Baktygaryn and Arnasai areas of the Severny contract area, with a design depth of 4950 m. with an EIA of size C33 to 800 m.
25 Aral Petroleum Capital LLP АРС/SMART-26032014 03/26/14 Addition to the Group technical design for the construction of exploratory wells Baktygaryn No. 11, Arnasay No. 12 on the square. BAKTYGARYN and Arnasay of contract site "Severny" 4950m, A-13 with EIA
26 KAZPETROL GROUP LLP No. 104-2014 04/29/14 Group technical project for the design of vertical production wells (M-I, M-II) at the Taur field
27 KAZPETROL GROUP LLP No. 105-2014 04/29/14 Group technical project for thedesign of horizontal wells (M-II) at the Taur field
28 Galaz and Company LLP No. 06/14-27 of 07/16/14 Group technical project for the construction of exploratory wells at the North-West Konys field with a depth of 1500m, with Pre-EIA
29 Samek Development Enterprises LLP No. 46 10/30/14. Group technical project for thedesign of 10 exploration wells with a design depth of 2800m (- + 250m) on the Alibek E area with Pre-EIA.
30 S Arman Trade LLP SA/2014/GG/001 12/23/14 "Development of the "Group Technical project for the design of vertical advanced production wells No. 11 and No. 12 at the Zhilankyr field with a depth of 1500 m (+/- 250 m)"", Lot No. 2 - "Development of the "Group Technical Design for the construction of vertical appraisal wells No. 3 and No. 4 at the South Rovnoye field with a depth of 2000 m (+/-250M)»»
31 Galaz and Company LLP No. Additional GTP_NW_Konys_2500m 03/31/2014
32 Iskander Oil LLP No. 03/06 of 06/03/15 Technical design for reactivation and restoration (overhaul) of wells No. 1.5 Sarsenbay, No. 1,3,4 Uylyuk with testing and research work in the contract area of Iskander Oil LLP
33 STK Geo LLP (BNG) No. 1 24.02.16 Addendum to the Group Engineering Design for the construction of exploration wells No. A6-A8 in the Airshagyl area, with a design depth of 4900m.
34 BNG Ltd LLP No. GTP A6-A8 4900m
35 KazSmartEnerCon LLP No. 05/17-04-1 05/19/17 Technical project for the construction of wells with a depth of 5300m. WITH EIA
36 KazSmartEnerCon LLP No. 05/17-04-4 of 05/22/17 Group technical project for the construction of exploratory wells No. 141,142,144,145,146 on the Elemes area with a design depth of 2700m (+-250m) with environmental protection
37 KazAzot JSC No. 247/17 12/15/17 Group technical project for the construction of exploratory wells at the Shagyrly-Shomyty field with EIA
38 BNG Ltd LLP no contract Group technical project for the design of exploratory wells No. 808,809 on the Elemes area with a design depth of 2700m (+ -250m)
39 Galaz and Company LLP No. 14-2018 01/17/18 Development of a group technical project for the design of appraisal wells No. NK-73, NK-75, NK-79, NK-81 at the North-Western Konys field, with a design depth of 1500m (+ - 250m)
40 Galaz and Company LLP No. 15-2018 01/17/18 Development of a group technical project for the design of appraisal wells No. NK-76, NK-77 at the North-Western Konys field, with a design depth of 2700m (+ - 250m)
41 Galaz and Company LLP No. 16-2018 01/17/18 Development of a group technical project for the design of appraisal wells No. NK-74, NK-78, NK-80 at the North-West Konys field, design depth of 2900m (+ - 250m)
42 Madot Oil LLP No. 1/2-33 of 05/31/18 Addition to the group technical project for the design of appraisal wells No. 12, 24, 14, 15, 16 and 17 with a design depth of 1100m. +/-250m. And 1850m. +/-250m and the EIA project at the Alaoil field
43 Tepke LLP No. 036-18 10/26/18 Technical design for the construction of exploration wells with a design depth of 3800m with EIA
44 KazSmartEnerCon LLP No. 12/18-88-1 12/13/18 1. STE for the construction of exploratory wells No. 802,803 on the Yelemes area, with a design horizon in the Devonian age with a depth of 5300m (with EIA) 2. Supplement to the STE for the construction of exploratory wells No. on the Airshagyl square project head 5300m (with EIA)
45 KazSmartEnerCon LLP No. 10/18-36 10/11/18 Group technical project for the construction of exploratory wells No. 808,809 on the Elemes area with a design depth of 2700m (+ -250m)
46 Meridian Central Asia Services LLP №086-20 Development of the "Technical design" Samtyr 3750m with EIA.
47 Sary-Arka Mining LLP No. 02/20-318-1 11.02.20 Individual technical project for sidetrack infection, and directional drilling, running and cementing the 127mm tailing casing string in the A-5 well on the Ayrshagyl area, with a design depth of 4458m
48 Mangistau Neftedobycha LLP planned Technological project for re-preservation and restoration. Wells Sarsenbai and Uilyuk (9 wells)
49 Tepke LLP No. 099-20 10/27/2020 Detailed design for sidetrack drilling at the previously drilled Tepke-1 well with EIA
50 Meridian Central Asia Services LLP No. 123-20 11/19/20 "Individual technical design for the construction of the Otynshy-1 exploration well at the Samtyr site, with a design depth of 2600m" with the development of an EIA.
51 Galaz and Company LLP canceled Group technical project for thedesign of wells with a design depth of 1500m
52 Tepke LLP No. 227-21 10/11/21 1) Technical design for the construction of an appraisal well. Tepke-3, on the Tepke site with a design depth of 3800m and EIA. 2) Technical design for the construction of an exploration well. Tepke-2, on the Tepke site with a design depth of 3800m and EIA.
53 Tepke LLP No. 228-21 10/12/21 1) Group Technical project for the design of appraisal wells. Tepke West -3, 4, 5, on the Tepke site with a design depth of 3800m. and EIA 2) Technical design for the construction of exploration wells. Tepke West-2, on the Tepke site with a design depth of 3800m and EIA.
54 Petrocraft LLP №17/04-23 от 17.04.23 Individual technical project for the construction of appraisal well No. R-14 with a design depth of 750 m (+-250 m) at Kaskyrbulak Yuzhny cape, contract territory of Petrocraft LLP in Atyrau region, Republic of Kazakhstan, with an EIA project"
55 Tepke LLP №84/06-06(ОИ) от 26.06.23 Group Technical Project for the construction of appraisal wells Uzbekgaliev-1 (UZ-1) and Ugbekgaliev-2 (UZ-2) for the Kh. Uzbekgaliev field, design depth 3600 m (±250m)” with the development of an EIA
56 Beineu-Munaigaz LLP №3-SE-AD-23 от 07.02.23 Drawing up individual technical projects for the construction of prospecting and exploration wells No. KD-1 with a design depth of 2070 m. (±250 m) on the Kendykty and No. UA-2 structure with a design depth of 3450 m. (±250 m) on the Uali structure of the Beineu section
57 Beineu-Munaigaz LLP №16-SE-AD-23 от 14.08.23 Drawing up ITP for the construction of prospecting and exploration wells No. KZ-1 with a design depth of 2700 m (+-250) at the Kyzemshek structure of the Beineu section