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Our services


Customer Contract No., date Description of works
1 NEDRA Consulting Center No. w / n 06/01/2010. Seismic processing supervision and processing. Data and their interpretation for the Kurmangazy contract area
2 Turgai-Petroleum JSC No. 03.05.2011 Services for the reinterpretation of well logging data
3 Geostan JSC No. 45-2011 06/15/2011 Processing and interpretation of 2D seismic data of the Teresken contract area
4 PGD Services LLP No. 15-06/11 06/15/2011 Supervising services in the course of the implementation of the Agreement for the processing and interpretation of 2D seismic data at the Zharkamys East 1 block
5 PGD Services LLP No. 15-10/11 of 10/15/2011 Supervisory services in the course of the implementation of the Agreement for the processing and interpretation of 2D seismic data at the Temir site, Aktobe region.
6 Rompetrol SA b/n 14.02.2012 Express analysis of new geological and geophysical data (2D seismic, gravity and magnetometry) collected by ROMPETROL for the Focsani and Zegouzani blocks
7 Rompetrol SA b/n 02/14/2012,additional No. 1 02.07.12 Express-analysis of geological and geophysical data Focsani block. Selection of the final location of the first exploration well on the Lupsha-Dragoteshti structure. Approval of the program of seismic works on the Pruneny structure.
8 Turgai-Petroleum JSC №KZ-12-8100-0222 30.05.2012 Reinterpretation of geophysical well survey data
9 Samek Development Enterprises LLP No. 5 07/19/2013 Report "Integrated data reinterpretation of 2D seismics of the Alibek E field"
10 Samek Development Enterprises LLP No. 01 01/31/14 Supervising services during the execution by the contractor of "Processing and interpretation of 2D seismic exploration fields of the Alibek E field
11 Galaz and Company LLP No. 107/01 08.02.16 Processing and interpretation of 3D seismic data in the amount of 68.825 km2 and interpretation of well logging data for 21 wells
12 Madot Oil LLP №1/2 12/22/17 Processing and reinterpretation of 3D-3C CDPM seismic data for the Alaoil field within the contract area of Madot Oil LLP
13 PetroKazakhstan Kumkol Resources JSC planned Report on the results of seismic surveys at N-Nuraly.
14 Zapkaznedra RSU "West Kazakhstan Interregional Department of Geology of the Committee of Geology of the Ministry of Ecology, Geology and Natural Resources of the Republic of Kazakhstan №36/21 Preparation of design and estimate documentation for the object: "Geological and geophysical survey (2D seismic survey) at Site No. 4 in the North Turgai sedimentary basin with a density of 20 km x 20 km in a volume of 4000 linear km."
15 Lucent Petroleum LLP No. LP-G115 01/24/22. Report "On the results of reprocessing and reinterpretation of CDP 3D seismic data for 2009-2012, carried out on the Munaibai area and on the results of CDP 3D seismic surveys performed on the adjacent Bakhyt area in 2021".
16 Lucent Petroleum LLP No. LP-G115 01/24/22. Report "On the results of reprocessing and reinterpretation of seismic data CDP 3D 2009-2012, performed byon the square Munaibaiand on the results of 3D CDP seismic surveys carried out on the adjacentsq. Bakhytin 2021".